Rea & Associates & Dyer Roche Merger Effective Nov. 1, 2020

Rea & Associates and Dyer Roche & Company, 一家在伍斯特设有办事处的提供全方位服务的会计师事务所, Medina, and Millersburg officially merged on November 1. 合并的消息于2020年4月宣布.

New Office Building In Wooster | Rea & Associates | Ohio CPA Firm
Rea & Associates正在伍斯特的北市场街建造一座新的办公大楼,以适应该地区公司的大幅增长. Taken on Oct. 2020年3月30日,这张照片显示,许多钢梁已经竖立起来. The building is scheduled to be complete in 2021. 直到新大楼完工,雷亚 & 伍斯特的员工将被分配到两个办公地点, Wooster North and Wooster South.

Question: Why did Rea & Associates and Dyer Roche merge?

Answer: 这次合并是为了使我们合并后的公司在俄亥俄州东部和克利夫兰地区发展壮大, Ohio area while bringing on additional top talent. Culture fit was a driving force of this decision. Rea and Dyer Roche share the same core values. People are our top priority. 我们以人为本——团队成员、客户和社区成员. While Rea is a regional firm, 拥有300多名员工,在全州设有多个办事处, 公司领导人热衷于保持“小公司的感觉”,同时仍然能够提供大量的资源,旨在帮助我们的客户实现增长和财务健康.

Click here to learn more about the services Rea & Associates offers.


Answer: Combining with Rea, a Top 100 CPA and Business Consulting Firm, 会支持我们提供本地服务的整体使命吗, 由300多名专业团队成员提供个性化服务. 由于雷亚提供的服务范围更广,雷亚的新员工 & 由于戴尔罗氏的合并,员工将更好地为满足客户现在和未来的所有需求做好准备. Additionally, 此次合并也为新加入合并后公司的员工提供了新的成长机会. Moving forward, 他们将有机会与新客户合作, acquire new skills, 并在他们选择的专业领域成为“名人”.

Question: What will the combined firm be called?

Answer: Collectively, our team will be known as Rea & Associates.


Answer: As a combined firm with Dyer Roche, Rea & 联营公司将拥有320多名员工,为俄亥俄州各地的客户提供服务, including offices in Mentor, Wooster, New Philadelphia, Millersburg, Marietta, Dublin, Cambridge, Zanesville, Medina, Lima, Amherst, and Independence. 在门托和米勒斯堡,戴尔罗氏的办公室已经关闭,团队成员已经搬到了雷亚 & Associates offices in these locations. In Wooster, Rea & Associates is in the process of constructing a new, 更大的办公空间,以适应该地区的快速发展. Until the new office building is completed, Rea & 律师将在伍斯特的两个地点为客户提供服务. Wooster North, also known as the Rea & Associates office space, is located at 545 N. Market St., Wooster, OH 44691. 伍斯特南,以前被称为戴尔罗氏办公空间,位于121 N. Market St., Wooster, OH 44691.

Click here to learn more about all Rea & Associates locations.

Question: Where will team members in Wooster sit?

Answer: 鼓励合作和真正的文化融合, 几名长期任职的Rea员工将搬到Wooster South办公室,而几名前戴尔罗氏员工将搬到Wooster North办公室. We understand this transition might be difficult, which is why we put together a “seating chart,,这会让你知道你经常共事的团队成员是否换了办公室. You can click here to view the seating chart at any time.

点击这里查看您的前Dyer注册会计师将在Wooster的哪个办事处任职,以及哪些Rea员工将迁往Wooster South办事处(原Dyer Roche)。.


Question: Will my fee structure change?

Answer: As of now, 戴尔罗氏的客户将不会看到他们目前获得的服务或费用有任何变化. 客户将继续与相同的服务团队合作, 但也将有机会了解并从中受益 additional services 这些都是合并后的结果.

Question: How do I contact my CPA?

Answer: 即使我们合并了,所有的电话号码也会保持不变. 这意味着你可以继续使用你一直用来打电话给注册会计师的号码. 话虽如此,电子邮件地址将因合并而改变. 我们承诺尽一切努力通知那些将受到这一变化影响的人, but, if you are still unsure, Rea & 联营公司电邮地址的设置方法如下:

[first name].[last name]

例如,如果您想联系Cathy Roche,您将使用的电子邮件地址是


Answer: 我们理解您可能对此次合并以及它将如何影响您和您的业务或组织有其他问题. The Rea & 律师团队很乐意听到您要说的话,并回答您可能有的任何问题. 除了联系你现有的注册会计师或商业顾问,你还可以 click here to contact Rea & Associates. 然后,我们将为您联系最合适的人员,以便及时回答您的问题. Otherwise, you can call our offices: Medina (330.722.8222), Millersburg (330.674.6055), Wooster North (330.264.0791), or Wooster South (330.262.0061).


Answer: Nope! 这次合并的结果是,你不需要做任何事情,只要继续安全的赌博软件,如果你有任何问题或担忧. 与此同时,欢迎您访问我们的网站www.reacpa.从我们的专业服务人员和行业专家团队获取丰富的内容和见解. From frequent blog posts, a weekly podcast, a client portal, and a wealth of financial calculators and tools, 你一定会找到一些技巧和实践来帮助你取得更大的商业成功.